Tuesday 30 September 2014

Sam's 18th

Prior to the surprise Renee & I gave her when the clock stroke midnight outside her place, we had a proper celebration for Sam(one of my best friends)'s birthday!
She had an exam in the afternoon so my plan was to gather a bunch of close friends and surprise her at her house with her favorite food and balloons and everything! But then I found out that her family was out of town so there was nobody to open the door for us :(
But the problem was solved! I contacted her mom and she told me that she could get an aunt to pass me the key. Arrangements were then made and we arrived early at her place to set up.

Got everyone to write a note for Sam and put it in individual balloons with clues attached to it!
She has to guess who's note is inside before bursting the balloon!

Waiting for her arrival

Her favs

My gurl's finally 18 :')

 I hope you enjoyed yourself & I love you!

This year has been one hell of a roller coaster ride but can't thank those who were with me and are still with me enough. "

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